t 44 0 1246 858 800
Raff les Honeycomb Tumbler
R90747 125oz 36cl H 120mm
Box of 6
Raff les Honeycomb Nick Nora
R90744 6oz 17cl H 150mm
Box of 6
Raff les Honeycomb Martini
R90746 65oz 19cl H 137mm
Box of 6
With Raf f les decadence has
never looked quite so ref ined.
Available in f ive options, this f ine
cut crystal collection is rakishly
stylish and evokes the fun,
frivolity, and passion for life of
the Roaring Twenties.
Raff les Honeycomb Martini
R90745 105oz 30cl H 190mm
Box of 6
C r y s t a l G l a s s w a r e S p e c i a l i t y
Raff les Vintage Nick & Nora
R90705 6oz (17cl) H: 150mm
Box of 6
Raff les Vintage Martini
R90709 6.5oz (19cl) H: 137mm
Box of 6
Raff les Vintage Coupe
R90713 5.5oz (16cl) H: 120mm
Box of 6
Raff les Vintage Stemless Champagne
R90717 10.5oz (30cl) H: 160mm
Box of 6
Raff les Vintage Tumbler
R90721 12.5oz (36cl) H: 95mm
Box of 6
Raff les Vintage Gin
R90702 24.5oz (70cl) H: 220mm
Box of 6